Crocodile Mandarin School

Who knew Mandarin learning could be so fun?

What is it?

Most people have heard of after-school Mandarin, but Crocodile will offer a new class in North Vancouver this fall that takes place before school. We are calling this class the Daybreak Class. The class will meet three times a week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:00 to 8:15 am.

Why would anyone want to get up so early to study Mandarin? Serious ice skaters, gymnasts and other elite athletes rise before dawn to hone their skills in their chosen fields in an effort to be the best. We wanted to start a class for elite Mandarin learners, students for whom 1-2 hours of instruction per week is not enough. Expectations for progress will be high. We expect progress to be phenomenal because of the the extra exposure and because only the most motivated children will attend.

The Daybreak Class will focus one of the six Crocodile themes each term. However, we will introduce topics that are not part of the regular class. These include, discussing the calendar, telling time, birthdays and holidays, measurements of height, weight and length, countries of the world.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays will focus on speaking. Each Thursday will be an academic day (reading and writing day). Kids 7+ years old will work from a textbook. Younger kids will use worksheets.


This class is unique in that students who attend regularly will earn a discount. Students who do not meet a rigourous atttendace standard will pay an hourly rate that is roughly in line with what regular Crocodile students pay. However, students who meet the attendance standard will receive a refund equal to one third of the term cost. This refund is given in the form of a credit to be used in the next term. At the end of the spring term, it can be refunded as cash.  

Who gets a discount?

Students who attend 28 out of 30 classes are eligible for the discount. Students more than 15 minutes late are marked tardy, and two tardies equal one absence.

Class: Daybreak Class

Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Times: 7:00 to 8:15 am (3.75 hours per week)

Session Count: 30

Total Hours in Term: 37.5 h

Ages: 5-10

Cost: $825 ($275 may be refunded if attendance standards are met)


Daybreak Class
