Crocodile Mandarin School

Who knew Mandarin learning could be so fun?



  Academic Classes

Academic Classes

Crocodile's reputation was built on its unique play-based speaking curriculum. However, once students have built a speaking foundation, they should think about beginning to develop reading and writing skills. An ability to read will strongly reinforce the already acquired speaking skills. Crocodile now has a fun academic program for kids 7 and above. The focus is on reading skills, but some writing and speaking practice is included. And students should prepare to do some homework. They are offered online and in-person. We can teach both traditional and simplified characters.

Please note: We recommend a minimum age of 7 for an academic class.  

Price: $232 for a 10-week term (Early Bird Price)

A 20% discount applies when a regular Crocodile Class is taken at the same time. If you register two kids living at the same address, a 10% sibling discount applies.

Prices rise and discounts disappear two weeks prior to the term.

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Crocodile Play- based Classes